Jane's story: "Seeing the impact that heavy alcohol consumption had on my Dad's health was quite shocking"

January 2020 | 6 minutes

In this blog, Jane explains why she is taking part in Dry January® to fundraise for Alcohol Change UK.

I’m taking part in dry January this year for the first time, because I really felt I needed to cut back for my own well-being, in particular my mental health. As I’m now self-employed, and mainly work from home, the temptation to drink mid-week was strong and hard to resist. I found that those mid-week drinks were creeping in way too often, leaving me feeling sluggish and a little anxious the next day.

I’m also surprised with how many people in my circle have experienced loss through alcohol-related issues, myself included: I lost my Dad.

"I’m raising money for and awareness of Alcohol Change UK, so that we can change society’s relationship with alcohol for the better "

My Dad had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol over a number of decades, so much so that it led him to an early grave. Seeing the impact that heavy alcohol consumption had on his health was quite shocking. I truly believe that it also negatively impacted the relationships he had with his friends and family.

For those reasons, I’m raising money for and awareness of this great charity, Alcohol Change UK, so that we can change society’s relationship with alcohol for the better and in turn hopefully save some lives.

You can donate to Jane's JustGiving page here.

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