Dry January® in your workplace

With more and more people wanting to take on Dry January®, supporting them in the workplace is a brilliant idea - for wellbeing, productivity and more!

Why run Dry January in your workplace?

Getting the whole team involved in Dry January® brings big benefits for all. So much can come from the team taking on the challenge together:

  • More energy leading to better performance
  • Reduced absenteeism and lost productivity from alcohol, which are estimated to cost businesses £7.3bn each year
  • Social ties between employees that aren't based around just drinking
  • A greater understanding of your legal responsibilities as an employer
  • Plus you can raise money for Alcohol Change UK.

Ideas for running Dry January in your workplace

  • Appoint a Dry January Champion to be responsible for driving the campaign on behalf of your workplace
  • Organise a dry event for your colleagues
  • Run a quiz about alcohol
  • Set up a competition between your staff members and give prizes to the employees who donate/raise the most for charity
  • Make a pledge wall – find an empty board in the staff room and make a poster, asking everyone to write their name if they are planning to take part. Collect as many names as you can

Sign up for your free resources

Could your team try dry? Get tips for running a great workplace Dry January®, free resources and a workplace pack.

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