A gift for the future in your Will

A few words in your Will can help save lives and leave a legacy of hope for a world free from alcohol harm.

A gift for the future

We are working towards a future in which society has a healthier relationship with alcohol; where no-one feels they must drink; where the issues which lead to alcohol problems – like poverty, mental health issues, homelessness – are addressed; and where those who drink too much, and their loved ones, have access to high-quality support whenever they need it, without shame or stigma.

We cannot reduce alcohol harm alone. We need your help. The more we work together the faster change will happen, and the more lives will be improved and saved.

After you've looked after family and friends, please consider leaving a gift in your Will to Alcohol Change UK.

Writing a Will

Making a Will is one of the most important things to consider in life, but it doesn't have to be complicated. It's really vital that your Will reflects the changes that life brings, so it makes sense to keep it up-to-date.

We recommend using a solicitor or professional Will-writer to make sure your Will is legal and valid. You can find a list of local solicitors on The Law Society website or you can visit the Remember A Charity website to find a solicitor in your local area.

As a member of Remember A Charity, Alcohol Change UK supporters are eligible for a specially discounted Will with Co-operative Legal Services. Call for advice and Will-writing service on 0330 606 9578 and quote RACWILLS01.

You can also make a free Will online with Make a Will Online. Their qualified solicitors check every Will and they also have a handy helpline to answer any queries you might have.

What types of gift can you leave?

We receive many different types of gifts in Wills and we're always incredibly grateful to receive each one. There are three main types of gift you can leave in your Will:

  1. Residuary Legacy - This is a share (or maybe even all) of the residue of your estate once all other payments have been made such as tax, administration expenses, lifetime debts and of course any pecuniary or specific legacies you may wish to leave (see below for more information on these types of gifts). The advantage of this type of gift is that it will not lose its value over time, and if you leave a proportion to Alcohol Change UK you can still ensure other beneficiaries are taken care of.
  2. Pecuniary Legacy - This is where you can leave us a fixed amount of money. It's worth being aware that the effects of inflation could mean that the ultimate value of this gift could become less than you intended. This can be addressed if you review your Will regularly or you link your gift with inflation. If you are considering a pecuniary gift, your solicitor or professional Will writer can advise you on wording to do this.
  3. Specific Legacy - This is a gift of a specific item. It could be anything from jewellery to a house - it's entirely up to you.

If you would like to discuss leaving a gift in your Will please contact us at fundraising@alcoholchange.org.uk or call us on: 020 3907 8480

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