You've finished Dry January®!

January 2024 | 6 minutes

Download your certificate, plus check out all our useful tips for February and beyond.

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ACUK Dry January®2022 Certificate

Your Dry January certificate

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... Or treat yourself or a friend to a high-quality printed certificate. All proceeds go to Alcohol Change UK, the charity behind Dry January®, so you can feel extra good when it arrives in the post! You can also grab a mug or pin badge.

Buy your printed certificate

We at Alcohol Change UK have loved being on this Dry January® journey with you – and we really hope the daily emails and the Try Dry app have helped you on your way. We are a charity and rely on donations to do our year-round work to end serious alcohol harm. Anything you can give makes a huge difference. Thank you so much for your support!

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What next?

Running club

The charity behind Dry January®

Dry January® has been brought to you by the charity Alcohol Change UK. We offer the Try Dry app and daily emails for free because we know the difference they make. But we do a lot more besides! Find out more about the work we do all year round to end the serious harm caused by alcohol.
Find out more