I’m Kristin and I’m 53.
As a child, I remember having big emotions. In primary school, I would sit with other pupils, cross-legged on the floor, crying while in assembly. I would glance furtively from side to side and see kids laughing, or bored, or whispering to their neighbour but no one else was crying. My big feelings quickly became a source of embarrassment.
As a teen, I began to experiment with alcohol. Beer and whiskey made me feel happy, boisterous, confident. As my experimenting turned into a regular habit, alcohol helped me mask my sensitive side. Feelings were inconvenient. Partying was fun and exciting.
I settled into adult life with an early marriage at just 21 years old. I started a family and had two children, and a divorce, by the time I was 26. As a single working mother, I discovered wine and happy hours. On nights my kids were with their father, I was drinking.
This double life continued for many years. Mum by day, binge drinker by night. I used alcohol after my second divorce in my mid-forties. As my youngest boys entered their teens, I needed to set a better example. I quit smoking cigarettes in 2017 and cut back on my drinking.
And then COVID hit. My company, which manages large in-person events, made half their staff redundant. I stayed but took a pay cut. Working from home with double the responsibility and uncertainty about both my job and what was happening in the world was stressful. To demarcate where the workday ended and the evening began, I started drinking wine around five or six o’clock. I would continue drinking until I was done working, which was often midnight or later. By the start of 2021, I was easily drinking one and a half bottles of wine each night. I became concerned about the effects on my health and considered taking a break. On January 2, 2021, I downloaded the Try Dry app and embarked on my first Dry January® journey. I had used an app to track my progress when I quit smoking and loved it, so I thought I would give this a try.
Within the first few days, I realised something…I was a one trick pony. Stressful day at work? I need a drink. Something to celebrate? Let’s get some cocktails! Nice day? Go to a winery! Drinking had become my go-to activity as an adult. Almost every occasion revolved around alcohol. I was determined to break that habit. I desired for my life to have more dimension to it.
Besides wanting to be a good role model for my own children, I have other reasons for wanting to try life without alcohol. In early 2019, my 24-year-old nephew died unexpectedly due to an accidental overdose of alcohol and a prescription medicine. This was such a devastating loss to our family. Abstaining from alcohol and attempting to live my best life feels like a way to honour my nephew, Joe. The same year, I became a grandmother. I did not want to be a drunk grandma. Additionally, drinking a bottle of wine (or more) a day was an expensive pastime. I wanted to save that money to put towards my grandchildren, travel, and my retirement.
I committed to finishing January without alcohol and once I did that, I looked ahead and decided to try for Sober Spring. During that time, I began working out, taking tennis lessons, seeking out sober friends, and writing a blog that I had neglected years before. Once I got to the end of June, I set my sights on completing a sober year.
I am now 633 says sober. Using the Try Dry app, I have tracked that I have saved over £7000. I am no longer a one-trick pony. Stressful day at work? Call a friend, read a book, watch a fun show, go for a walk or a swim. Something to celebrate? Bake a cake, treat myself to a new book or outfit, go out to lunch with co-workers or out to dinner with the family. Bored? Read, write, take a free class online. I am filling my time by making connections, exercising, and trying new things. Feeling all the feelings, even the uncomfortable ones.
I am 100% present for my children and grandchildren. Being alcohol-free feels great right now. At some point in the future, I may decide to drink a glass of wine occasionally. For now, I am unlearning all the unhealthy habits of my past as a regular binge-drinker. I encourage you to try Dry January® and experience the benefits for yourself. Even taking a month away from drinking will help you re-evaluate your relationship with alcohol.